Francesca Farber
According to a 2011 study, “In recent years, about 4.9% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate partner.” (The figure is substantially higher with respect to female victims.) Still, when someone is murdered, usually the first person the police want to talk to is the spouse. In this case, 28-year-old Francesca Farber stands out, most notably because both her husbands died at the hands of an assailant. Though the circumstances of her first husband’s death seemed, to say the least, unusual, she was never charged with any crime. Innocent unless proven guilty, you know. It’s difficult to say whether the poor Ms.—I mean, Mrs.—Farber is a victim of misfortune, or what—and I use the term “poor” only to emphasize her financial situation before she met Mr. Farber. After his untimely death (they were married only half a year), she could be considered wealthy—wealthy enough that it becomes hard to believe she would kill Dan Killian for even more wealth. There were no reports of any friction between her and Dan, and she would continue to reap more rewards living with him and their business than without. If murder were on her mind, she would have had plenty of good opportunity to get rid of her husband away from the office setting. In any case, we don’t see this nouveau riche public relations person having any compelling motive to kill her second husband.
Not Guilty
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